Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Impact of training and development on employees performance in tesco Literature review

Impact of training and development on employees performance in tesco - Literature review Example The significance behind continued training of employees has become overarching drift of needs of the society and consequently calling for a continuation of training programs in the organizations. This is a vital concern for the sake, of sustainability of the organization in the global competitive market. As documented by Nixon (2004), human resource planning (HRP), is a core function in Human Resource Management (HRM) that determine the difference between success and failure in any organization. Consequently, the effectiveness of human resource planning is determined by the competency of placing the right people in positions that they fit most and in proper time. Failure of experts in human resource management to meet this objective creates a significant gap, called a training gap within the organization. In addition, this gap is a manifestation of the disparity between actual performances of employees to their anticipated performance and this gap can only be eliminated through incorporating programs of training and development in the firm (Nixon, 2004). It is therefore, prudent for any organization to appreciate the fact that training and development has a significant impact on employees such as managers, sales staff and customer service individuals. Consequently, the importance of undertaking programs of training to facilitate maximum returns from employees in investments. It is to the understanding of the management of organizations which are aspiring to gain a competitive edge, that the success of the business depends on the performance of the employees which is achieved through training and development (Conger & Rabindra, 2008). According to McDermott (2004), the duty of a company is to initiate a high model of commitment which avails the programs of training and development to employees of all hierarchy in the organization. The culture of an organization should

Monday, October 28, 2019

Criminal Trends Essay Example for Free

Criminal Trends Essay There is no question that crime has had and continues to hinder society. The criminal justice system is an intricate part of society and is essential that this system remains capable of adequately dealing with the latest crime trends. It was the establishment of the consistency with the Social Commission that the number or crimes should become a priority so that the facts and statistics developed can be readily available for use. When the first crimes were recorded over 60 years ago there findings showed crime trends in larceny, physical assaults, and homicide. As time progressed into today the studies conducted show an increase and broader concept to include organized crime from the mafias, organized crime involving gangs, trafficking of illegal drugs, and the illegal trafficking of humans. The interface between components of the criminal justice system and criminal justice connections with surrounding society is always changing. There are many components that affect society and criminal justice system. Components such as the increase of juvenile crimes, gun control, technology, and legalization of drugs, terrorism, and the list can continue. The two main components that have the largest effect from society to the criminal justice system are going to the increasing advancement of technology and the newly risen debate of gun control. These two components have the largest impact on society and the criminal justice system. Past trends that affected the criminal justice system: Society and the criminal justice system had their share of crime during the past. The crime that was handled during this time was difficult as it is today when something new occurs and has to be handled. Years ago there was not the forensics capabilities or the technology that we have today to solve murders and other crimes. The technological devices and advances that are available today were not present; therefore, requiring society and the criminal justice system do the best they each could do. The criminal justice system and its many agencies did not have bullet proof vests, GPS search systems, DNA/forensics, computers, Internet, biometric imagery, database information centers, telephones, walkie-talkies, and the list continues. Depending on how deep in the past things is observed or studied the criminal justice system and society had a different relationship than what is found today between the two. Society was not as quick to get involved with matters that did not concern them or their families; however, society had more of a hardcore respect for the criminal justice system especially, law enforcement. Technology is not the only component that affects the criminal justice system and society, gun laws and rights do so as well. In 1787, under The Bill of Rights in the second amendment was established allowing the American citizens to the â€Å"right to keep and bear arms† (Lee, 2012). Gun Control issues that are prevalent today were not seen as issues in the past and possibly could be seen differently in the future. There has been laws and policies created in the past that if they were not established the impact would be horrible for today’s criminal justice system. The list below complies to the past circumstances with gun control to make what society and the criminal justice system has developed recently. 1934 The National Firearms Act was established to help maintain, control, and tax firearms used during the prohibition era (Lee, 2012). * 1938 The Federal Firearms Act was established to begin the process of record keeping and acquiring a licensing for sellers (Lee, 2012). * 1968 The Gun Control Act was established to prohibit anyone from purchasing a long gun through the postal service, prohibits convicted felons, drug users, and the mental ill from obtaining the right to carry a firearm (Lee, 2012). 1990 The Crime Control Act was created to make certain areas gun-free zones, such locations that of a school area (Lee, 2012). The fact that these actions created and maintain from the past a foundation that we use today when dealing with any form of gun violence or gun requirement. In past people could carry a gun inside facilities, own whatever make or model that was present at the time, children knew how to shoot, children could carry a gun (western days); however, with the incidents that occurred developed the impact that we carry on today in society. The truth behind every act or law there is a reason to why it was created, established, and enforced. Recent and present trends that affecting the criminal justice system: According to Cetron and Davis, â€Å"the exponential rate at which technology is changing directly affecting policing today. While it offers new tools for officers, it is also providing extremely lucratively and easy means of criminal activity. † The criminal justice system and citizens are both affected by this change. Technology has progressed so rapidly over the past decade alone that criminals are committing crimes internationally, and this is making the job of law enforcement agencies even more difficult, more time consuming, and more dangerous. The criminal justice system does still have corruption from different agencies, especially the law enforcement. Today, technological advancements, and crime control relate to investigator and investigations may not significantly decrease violent crimes, only time will tell if technology advancements are hindering the criminal justice system and the privacy that Americans so desire nowadays (Muraskin, 2009). One of the most important technological creations used today is smartphones. Smartphones are equipped with cameras to take live and still shots, voice recordings, application downloads, file storage, area to link other equipment into the phone, and the list continues. The second most important technological device that has been created and used today by society and members of the criminal justice system with the different agencies is The Global Positioning System or GPS. The second trend that has taken toll recently with society and the criminal justice system and its many agencies is gun control. The horrible incident that occurred at Sandy Hook elementary school where innocent children lost their lives started a national conversation on the revision of gun control policies and acts presently in effect (Greathouse, 2013). Issues such as assault weapons bans, ammunition access, deterring the use of guns by criminals and the potentially violent, and the influence of violent media are in question because of this horrible attack. The role of law enforcement and the courts in reducing further incidents of gun violence has also been at the forefront of the h\gun violence discussion. There have been efforts to impose harsher sentences for gun crimes, producing stark difference in the federal versus state or local penalties in some areas† (Goldberger, 2008). Society has mixed emotions of the possible increments that could affect their ability to maintain their second amendment right. The main argument with most individuals in society is that guns don’t kill people, but people kill people. The possibility of divided society is strong if society loses their rights to â€Å"bear arms†, and on the other hand member of the criminal justice system who are also a part of society when off duty will have to handle the aspect of a â€Å"twin edged sword. † Future trends that will affect the criminal justice system: Attorney General Eric Holder stated, â€Å"The globalization of criminal networks and advances in technology have made international criminal organizations a significant threat to the safety and security of our nation. Preparing for the future in the criminal justice system with its many agencies and society is a hit and miss. The technology possibilities are endless. The new crimes that can occur or the possibility of terrorism happening again in this country are always strong. According to Nancy M. Ritter, â€Å" There is no question that terrorism, the growth of multicultural populations, massive migration, upheavals in age composition demographics, technological developments, and globalization in the future will affect the criminal justice system† (Ritter, 2004). Society is ever changing with the flow of the economy and the different cultures and nationalities that are present. It is a fact that we cannot control what has happened in the past, but we do have some control on what happens in the future. Society and the criminal justice system with its many agencies needs to develop an understanding and a respect for each other immediately so that when situations occur that no one in particular is involved respect for the decision and outcome are acceptable. Value of the criminal justice system in a changing society: People of society want to feel safe in our communities no matter where we are or what we are doing. There should not by any shape or form of reasoning to why individuals should not feel safe within their own homes, communities, and neighborhoods. People should be able to arise every day without having to look around and make sure if it is safe to leave their domain. Individuals should be able to walk down the street without having to look constantly over his or her shoulders in fear of harm. The relationship between the criminal justice system and society is not a complex relationship. Society is involved in many steps, policies, and procedures within the criminal justice system. Society helps with the elections of officials and also has a possible role in law making. Individuals from society help in the courtroom proceedings as well as they are members of a jury. According to Muraskin and Roberts, who states that â€Å"society is a part of the criminal justice system and its protocol such as the prevention of crime, policy making, and witnesses during court cases and jury members during courtroom proceedings. The criminal justice system is establish with law enforcement help enforce the laws of the â€Å"land† and protect the individuals in society. Society and the criminal justice system has had their differences that changed the perception and amount of respect some individuals had toward the system, but strive forward the past has to be let gone. Soceity and the criminal justice system has to work to work together to maintain a safe and stable living en vironment for everyone. The value of the criminal justice system in a changing society is irrefutable. Society would be nowhere if there was not a crimirnal justice system. If the criminals justice system did not exist, and this country would be taken over by organized crime, terrorst groups, by drugs, identity theft, prostitution, human trafficking, and the list continues. The system gives society their rights, what keeps them safe and what upholds the law. Our societies are changing daily with the increasing illegal immigrants who are located within our borders. The increaseing amount of illegal immigrants develops differences in races, cultures, beliefs, and ideology. The crimnal justice system keeps many of these things from taking over our nation and witout them there is no hope. â€Å"Predictions and visions of the furture are makred by challegnges, expectatons, advaced preparedness, and techological developments. Crminal justice professionals are encountering enormous challenes and organizational changes, Whether or not the technologically advnaced changes in criminal justice investgations and crime control will contnue to significantly reduce violent crime rates remains to be seen. But, technological and social developments as well as policy changes offer much promises for the future† (Muraskin, 2009). Conclusion: The crimes that society has had to contend within the past still hinder the criminal justice system along with the new elements of crime. Crime trends are extending beyond the border of the United States and are a challenge globally. Cybercrimes are on the rise as society becomes more dependent upon electronic data gadgets and the Internet. The criminal justice system of today is believed by many not to be capable of remaining effective without change. The current methods of dealing with criminals and their crimes are ineffective toward the current crime trends. This will require changes in the way the grand jury operates on an everyday basis. The most practical effective method for the grand jury would be to meet and discuss current crimes and punishments without an authoritarian disposition. The ongoing fact is that the criminal justice system has and will contour to change. Criminal will come up with new and clever ways to commit their crimes and the criminal justice system has to come up with ways to combat these advancements. Society will always have criminals therefore making the constant need for the criminal justice system and all the agencies involved. The criminal justice system will always be an ever evolving field within society. Society changes on a regular basis and with change from within society develops the technological needs are established. In other words, as society changes the needs that it takes to be more productive is altered to fit the present situation. The barriers that come along can affect how the criminal justice system interprets on how to control and maintain the situation. The fundamental basis of the criminal justice system is to protect and serve the community. The criminal justice system has to stay ahead of the game, especially the changes that occur in society. Crime trends may not last; therefore, receiving a fundamental explanation of how long crime trends will last is anyone’s guess because different trends have no set time frame to how long they are going last. Trends whether what nature they are come and go and other develop in another ones place. Changes over time in crime trends and patterns have significant consequences, which affect the criminal justice system as well as to the essential departments because if one were to look at â€Å"such areas as health, housing, and employment consistent trends ad patterns emerge, whereas America lacks the information and comprehensive research on crime trends† (Goldberger, 2008).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Effect of Social Organization on Everyday Life and Health Essay

The Effect of Social Organization on Everyday Life and Health Most people do not think about their health or issues revolving around their health until they are actually ill or people think that their health is only affected by biological factors. However, our health should be a focus in our lives because our daily life has an affect on our health. Illness does not only have biological causes but is also influenced by social factors such as the socially imposed roles of gender and socioeconomic differences. Before the affect of gender on health can be discussed, the difference between gender and sex must first defined. Sex refers to actual physiological and hormonal differences between men and women; gender refers to the differences that are imposed by society. Statistics have shown that women have higher rates of morbidity but men have shorter life spans. This means that although women live longer than men, those years are not healthy years but rather are filled with illness. This cannot be completely explained by biological causes but the affect of social factors must be taken into account. There are two types of gender difference disease: completely biological and biological amplified by social. Examples of completely biological diseases would include ovarian cancer, osteoporosis, breast cancer, and cervical cancer for women and prostrate cancer and testicular cancer for men. These diseases can only be had by members of a certain sex due to specific biological factors such as only women having ovaries therefore are able to have ovarian cancer whereas men have no ovaries and cannot get ovarian cancer. The other class of gender difference diseases is disease with biological causes but amplified by social factors. Examples... ..., those in a lower socioeconomic status have higher incidences of diseases aggravated by stress such as cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. This added stress also leads to negative health behaviors such as smoking, alcohol abuse, and drug abuse all of which have adverse affects on health. These various stressors of everyday life caused by gender differences and differences in socioeconomic status can have a more profound affect than they seem. Bibliography: Rieker, Patricia P. and Chloe E. Bird. "Sociological Explanations of Gender Differences In Mental and Physical Health." Handbook of Medical Sociology. Ed. Chloe E. Bird, et al. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice, 2000. 98-113. Weiss, Gregory L. and Lynne E. Lonnquist. The Sociology of Health, Healing, and Illness. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice, 2000.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hilton Manufacturing Company

Hilton Manufacturing Company Should Product 103 have been dropped? (3 ways to see) 1) Lost sales ($5,202) Cost savings DL $1,341 Compensation insurance 67 DM 946 Power 59 Supplies 68 2,501 Repairs 20 Lost CM: total impact of dropping ($2,701) 2) Loss eliminated Costs that remain Rent Property tax Property insurance Indirect labor Compensation ins. Light and heat Building service Selling expense General admin Depreciation Interest Other income Total impact 3) $404 $365 78 103 448 21 20 14 917 346 713 102 (10) 3,117 (2,703) nit CM (see later) Total impact: lost CM = 5. 3909 x 510,276 = $2,702 Which product is most profitable? 101 VC DL Compensation insurance Power DM Supplies Repairs Total Selling price CM/unit CM ratio . 1164 2. 3282 . 0403 1. 3766 . 0941 . 0319 3. 9875 9. 3084 5. 3209 57% . 1137 2. 2740 . 0929 1. 7542 . 1774 . 0557 4. 4709 9. 6900 5. 2191 53% . 1337 2. 6746 . 1171 1. 8862 . 1363 . 0396 4. 9875 10. 3784 5. 3909 52% Products 102 103 (If the plant is near capacity of av ailable direct labor hours) CM/capacity (LH) $2. 285/h 2. 95/h 2. 016/h Which is the most profitable product depends on the decision question and the corresponding criterion 2 Should price of 101 be dropped to $8. 64? VC unit costs forecasted 1991 change DL 2. 3282 Compensation insurance . 1164 Power . 0403 Materials 1. 3766 +5% Supplies . 0941 +5% Repairs . 0319 unit costs 1992 2. 3282 . 1164 . 0403 1. 4454 . 0988 . 0319 Total 3. 9875 4. 0610 (cost increase 7% of heat and light is ignored because the increase is fixed regardless of the pricing decision) Price cash discount (1. 8%) vc unit CM x units Total CM $9. 41 0. 1016 4. 0610 5. 2474 750,000 $3,935,550 $8. 64 . 0933 4. 0610 4. 4857 1,000,000 $4,485,700 What is the minimum quantity to sell at $8. 64 to be not worse off than remaining at the $9. 41? 3,935,550/4. 4857 = 877,355 margin of safety 122,645 units What is the minimum quantity to sell at $9. 41 to be not worse off than reducing the price? 4,485,000/5,2474 = 854,842 need to sell 104,842 more units 3

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Team Discussion on App for Apple iPhone

Working for Apple the type of research one would want to see done would be a reporting study. This type of study will display data that provides statistics comparing the application to other applications that users are already using and what features of the application users are wanting. This report is the first step in determining if the application is worth moving forward with. Once the application shows to be a valuable asset for users the next step is to focus on what the users want in an applications. I would expect the proposal to demonstrate on how user-friendly the application is, and who is the target audience this application is intended for. Many users want an application easy to use that a child can figure it out in one step. Another key factor users look for is the cost of the application. Keeping the cost down at a low price that is appealing to the user but profitable to the company will make this application successful for both parties. Derek's Response to Nancy I think the reporting study would be a great way to determine whether or not to move forward with the acceptance of the App into the Apple Store. This is because the reporting study would give background information on the App study, including concrete details of the App and how it differs from other Apps in the same category. It would also give the necessary data to determine what group the App would best suit. This information would be obviously important because one would not want an App that is geared toward adults be in the viewing control of children without the proper warning labels. I think that it would have been a great way to find out if the customers would want to buy an app or not. When people are getting ready to get an app they definitely want something that is useful and they will not be disappointed with. When doing research you will be able to see if the app will do good or not. Also it will be able to decipher whether you are gearing it toward the correct audience. You do not want to just throw something out there to see if it will work without research. It is important to test your product before delivering it. If I worked for Apple, the first thing I would want to see in a proposal for a new App for the App store would be whether or not the proposal has met the policy and procedures by Apple. The reason I would do this is that if the requirements were met the App would be compatible with the requirements of Apple’s App store on so many levels. For example: If there are technical glitches or errors the App will not be approved by our technicians. I will also look for the simplicity of the App to make sure it will be user friendly. Creativity would play a big role in App approval because with more than 300,000 Apps in the App store, we would think it is important for the App to be unique. Research would be just as important as policies and procedures to gain approval for the App store. Although at times because of inappropriate research, we would have to be aware of this type of research to make sure it does not become part of the Apple App store. Inappropriate research will include anything that has any racial tones that may offend any of our customers and research must be in compliance with the law. Bottom line is, I will not except anything is unethical. User-friendly application is a function that users look for when deciding on purchasing the application or not. Statics stating what functions users are most likely to be attractive to provides insight if the product will be successful. These statics are important and presenting them in the proposal will help for determination of releasing the application. The application uniqueness is also important and knowing the competition of other application provides insight. Researching applications similar to the one in the proposal will reflect on the popularity of the new application. Following policies, procedures, compatibility, and ethical conduct are very important steps in business, but I am not sure if this information is appropriate research for a proposal. I agree with Derek on this one. You have to make sure that you can get approval from the app store before you try to finalize your product. If you were to introduce a product that was not something that the App store would not even be allowed to have in there store then you would be just wasting time. Research is the key ingredient to making sure that you are producing the right type of app or anything else. Without this we would have a lot of failed businesses. Always make sure that what we are producing is what the people want. Developers are constantly inventing and improving apps for the Apple ® iPhone ® mobile digital device. As a representative for Apple, researching the market of available apps helps take the first step into developing a successful app. A new app proposal requires a content analysis that helps educate developers on successful app designsand marketing. Proving there is a consumer interest for the app from a variety of age groups, demographics, genders, and geographical locations may help determine whether or not the app gets approved. The proposal should provide evidence regarding how the potential app meets the needs of Apple’s customer base. The proposed app plans should surpass the competition by demonstrating that it is one of a kind and has potential room for growth. The research of the app should determine its reliability and show data that ensure the app functions properly with the operating systems (OS) configurations for each device Apple offers. There are numerous apps with an exceedingly crowded market that the barrier to access is low and the barrier to attaining success is high. Offering research for an app that is difficult to duplicate but easy for customers to download will help in the approval process. However, including inappropriate research in the proposal is cause for disapproval. Technical problems like annoying bugs and constant crashes will result in disapproval from Apple. Using images, words, software, or ideas that Apple owns or information that does not pertain directly to the app and its functionality, technical content, or design criteria is inappropriate (Apple, 2012). Proposals containing explicit or offensive material such as adult material, racial slurs, and any kind of discrimination and defamation are considered inappropriate and disapproval may occur (Apple, 2012). However, there is also research that can be one of the priciest errors developers can make. Applying funds to insufficient research or researching ideas that are extensively available becomes futile for developers. They concentrate on generating original ideas and waste time as well as energy producing those apps.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ten tips for high-impact documents - Emphasis

Ten tips for high-impact documents Ten tips for high-impact documents Start with the reader in mind Do they know much about the topic? Do they understand your jargon or acronyms? How important is this information to them? How interested are they in it? (Thats not the same thing.) Be sure of your core message before you start writing. Imagine you are going on TV for a three-minute interview. Could you sum up the value of your topic in three minutes? Write yourself a short statement (fewer than 30 words) that you could use as a memory aid to help you sell your topic to the interviewer. Try using it to clarify your thoughts on the issue while speaking to a trusted colleague. This will all help you keep the main message in mind when youre doing the writing itself. Be sure to make your beginning memorable If you dont grab your reader at the beginning of the document, you are wasting your time. Getting a reader started is the most difficult part of writing, but there are techniques you can use. Try starting with a surprise statement for instance, or contrasting how things were in the recent past with how they are now (in two or three sentences). Go out with a bang Good endings are almost as important as good beginnings. The last thing you want to do is leave the reader with the impression that youve just run out of things to say. Useful techniques are: looking to the future, repeating a major issue or summarising. But be careful with the last one: keep that summary to two or three sentences. Keep it short and simple Write to express, not to impress. (No flowery language.) Good ideas come across much better in plain English. That means: write the person or subject before the verb. The company received the order is better than The order was received by the company. Make your sentence structure logical Say what the sentence is about straight away, before you add extra information. Say whats happening, before you say why. Use graphics where possible We all learn in different ways. Some people like written explanations, while others are more visual and prefer graphics and illustrations. Pictures are therefore a great way of drawing visual people into your document. (Be careful with clip art, though.) So use a graph rather than a table of data, for example. Stick to two fonts Use one serif font (eg Times) for the body text and one sans serif font (eg Arial) for headings and subheadings. E-mail Limit messages to one screen and use attachments for longer messages. Find out more: About High-impact business writing. Call us or email to find out how we can help you improve your business writing.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Earth Worms Essays - Annelids, Earthworm, Soil Biology, Worm

Earth Worms Essays - Annelids, Earthworm, Soil Biology, Worm Earth Worms Earth Worm Disection Parts Function Digestive System - Prostomium - a small fleshy lobe that extends over the mouth, used to help dig through the soil - Mouth - the entrance for food into the digestive system, located under the prostomium - Pharynx - A tube at the beginning of the digestive tract that creates a sucking action to remove food particles from the soil, located just behind the mouth - Esophagus - a narrow passage in the digestive track that connects the pharynex to the crop - Crop - a temporary storage area in the digestive track , food waits here before it passes to the remainder of the digestive track - Gizzard - an area in the digestive track where strong muscles grind the food in preparation for digestion - Intestine - Nutrient digestion and absorption take place in this part if the digestive track. - Anus - Digestive wastes are expelled through this opening located on the posterior end of the worm. Nervous system - Brain - a center of nerve cells that coordinate all of the activities of the worms body - Ventral nerve cord - A cord of nerves that runs the length of the body along the bottom or belly of the worm. All nerve impulses to and from the brain are carried din this cord Circulatory System - Aortic Arches - a group of 5 muscular tubes that pump blood through the circulatory system of the worm - Ventral blood vessels - a tube structure that carries blood from the heart to the posterior of the worm located on the bottom of the worm, - Dorsal blood vessel - gathers blood from the capillaries in the body and returns it to the heart for recircutation located in the back or top of the worm Reproductive system - Seminal Vesicles (openings) - male reproductive organs - Ovary (oviduct ovaries) - egg sack, female reproductive organs - Seminal Receptacles (openings) - temporary storage areas for the male sperm until the eggs are ready to be fertilized Other Systems - Nephridium - coiled tubes in the body of a worm that collect and excrete liquid wastes from the body of the worm. - Clitellum - a swollen area of band around the mid section of the body of the worm. Materials secreted from the clitellum form a cocoon in which the eggs are hatched and the young worms develop. - Setae - Bristle structures found on the skin of the worm. Four pair of Satae are found on each segment except the first and last. Satae are used for movement. - Segments (somites) - The divisions in the skin of a segmented worm. The internal segments are called septum. There can be over 100 segments in the body of a worm. Bibliography

Sunday, October 20, 2019

What Thanksgiving Reveals about American Culture

What Thanksgiving Reveals about American Culture Sociologists believe that the rituals practiced within any given culture serve to reaffirm that cultures most important values and beliefs. This theory dates back to founding sociologist Émile Durkheim  and has been validated by countless researchers over more than a centurys time. According to sociologists, by examining a ritual, we can come to understand some fundamental things about the culture in which it is practiced. So in this spirit, lets take a look at what Thanksgiving reveals about us. Key Takeaways: Sociological Insights on Thanksgiving Sociologists look at celebrations in order to understand culture.By spending time with family and friends on Thanksgiving, people reaffirm their close relationships.Thanksgiving highlights stereotypical American gender roles.Overeating associated with Thanksgiving illustrates American materialism and abundance. The Social Importance of Family and Friends It may not be much of a surprise that coming together to share a meal with loved ones signals how important relationships with friends and family are in our culture, which is far from a uniquely American thing. When we gather together to share in this holiday, we effectively say, Your existence and our relationship is important to me, and in doing so, that relationship is reaffirmed and strengthened (at least in a social sense). But there are some less obvious and decidedly more interesting things going on too. Thanksgiving Highlights Normative Gender Roles The holiday of Thanksgiving and the rituals we practice for it reveal the gender norms  of our society. In most households across the U.S. it is women and girls who will do the work of preparing, serving, and cleaning up after the Thanksgiving meal. Meanwhile, most men and boys are likely to be watching and/or playing football. Of course, neither of these activities is exclusively gendered, but they are predominantly so, especially in heterosexual settings. This means that Thanksgiving serves to reaffirm the distinct roles we believe men and women should play in society, and even what it means to be a man or a woman in our society today. The Sociology of Eating on Thanksgiving One of the most interesting sociological research findings about Thanksgiving comes from Melanie Wallendorf and Eric J. Arnould, who take a sociology of consumption standpoint. In a study of the holiday published in the  Journal of Consumer Research  in 1991, Wallendorf and Arnould, along with a team of student researchers, conducted observations of Thanksgiving celebrations across the U.S. They found that the rituals of preparing food, eating it,  overeating it, and how we talk about these experiences signal that Thanksgiving is really about celebrating material abundance- having a lot of stuff, notably food, at ones disposal.  They observe that the fairly bland flavorings of Thanksgiving dishes and the heaping piles of food presented and consumed signal that it is quantity rather than quality that matters on this occasion. Building on this in her study of competitive eating contests (yes, really!), sociologist Priscilla Parkhurst Ferguson sees in the act of overeating the affirmation of abundance at the national level. In her 2014 article in Contexts, she writes that our society has so much food to spare that its citizens can engage in eating for sport.  In this light, Ferguson describes Thanksgiving as a holiday that celebrates ritualistic overeating, which is meant to honor national abundance through consumption. As such, she declares Thanksgiving a patriotic holiday. Thanksgiving and American Identity Finally, in a chapter in the 2010 book  The Globalization of Food, titled  The National and the Cosmopolitan in Cuisine: Constructing America through Gourmet Food Writing, sociologists  Josà ©e Johnston, Shyon Baumann, and Kate Cairns reveal that Thanksgiving plays an important role in defining and affirming American identity. Through a study of how people write about the holiday in food magazines, their research shows that eating, and especially preparing Thanksgiving, is framed as an American rite of passage. They conclude that participating in these rituals is a way to achieve and affirm ones American identity, especially for immigrants. It turns out that Thanksgiving is about a lot more than turkey and pumpkin pie.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Genetic Engineering Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Genetic Engineering - Research Paper Example Genetic engineering has been used to develop GM foods for human and animal consumption. Contrary to what the proponents of GE present to consumers, these foods are harmful and dangerous. There are various health risks associated with GM foods, both in the long term and the short term. The potential effects of GM foods on human and animal health result from the increased intake of ant-nutrients, the transfer of antibiotic resistant genes and use of viral DNA in plants (Dona & Arvanitoyannis, 165). For example, the introduction of a new gene can cause an increase of the anti-nutrients, and when such products are consumed, drug resistant genes can be transferred to humans (Dona & Arvanitoyannis, 165). There have been reported deaths as a result of GM foods. In 1989, many Americans died and thousands others impaired when they consumed the genetically modified supplement L-tryptophan which caused an ailment referred to as Eosinophilia myalgia syndrome (EMS) (Batalion, 11). In addition, pe ople have suffered near deaths and allergic reactions after consuming GM foods. In 1996, Pioneer Hi-Bred Company used Brazil nut genes to increase protein methionine in soybeans. Unfortunately, many people suffered allergies after consuming the soybeans (Batalion, 11). Furthermore, certain GM foods are known to increase cancer cases (Pusztai & Bardocz, 12). For instance, the GH protein hormone is injected in cows to increase the production of milk. However, the genetically modified version, rBGH, has been known to increase IGF-1, which is a potent chemical hormone that is associated with breast and colorectal cancer (Batalion, 12). Although proponents of GM foods and products have argued that these products are not harmful to human health, studies reveal that such claims are false. For example, Bt corn and Bt cotton plants, which are genetically modified, contain Bt-toxins which exert toxicity to human cells. According to a report by

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 44

Case study - Essay Example An imbalance in global trade also created challenges in the container carriers (New Bioactive Alkyl Sulfates from Mediterranean Tunicates, 2012). The strategies Meli Marine used for competing included increasing competitive intensity this was by container carriers supporting prices. For instance, if demand for containers went down, then vessels could be activated, so that fixed costs could be minimized. Another strategy was to have bigger cascading and ships this was to reduce the cost, and to increase the resulting profits. Having larger ships could result in a â€Å"cascading effect†. The final strategy was overcapacity threat. In the early years, overcapacity was an issue, but later it was implemented as the industries added capacity, faster than global trade could absorb it (New Bioactive Alkyl Sulfates from Mediterranean Tunicates 2012). Other key competitors performed differently from Meli Marine the likes of Evergreen Marine. It was leading to the market capacity with more TEUs than those of Meli Marine. The evergreen was recognized as being the best shipping line for several years. Wan Hai Lines was concerned with diversifying its client’s base and becoming a world carrier. It operated its terminals and competed in a container and vessel leasing. Yang Ming Marine managed the vessel and container leasing, logistic unit and also had its terminal (New Bioactive Alkyl Sulfates from Mediterranean Tunicates, 2012). David Tian being the new CEO was to make several changes and more improvements to ensure Meli Marine competed effectively with its competitors. It was by ensuring that he increased they also owned their operational terminal, and they also operated container and vessel leasing, and he was also to ensure that they held a logic unit. All this could place the industry in a good position to compete with the others (New Bioactive Alkyl Sulfates from Mediterranean Tunicates,

Friday, October 18, 2019

The new economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The new economy - Essay Example ftware have the capability of doing more word as compared to humans, it is also true that technology has helped many people monetize their homes and even employ others. A perfect example of how technology creates jobs is the Agriculture sector. The percentage of persons working on farms declined from 41%-2% in the last century. Over the same period agricultural production rose and farmers got employed in factories and cubicles. Economists have linked the shrinking American middle class to technological displacement of human labor. More jobs coming up are for Ph.D.s and casual labourers such as home cleaners. Drivers and self-driven cars threaten the jobs of chauffeurs & drivers. Software threatens the jobs of their very developers. However as these jobs go, others are created; according to Airbnb CEO Brian Cheskey, the firm may employ only 16000 but has 30 million users. It creates more jobs of the 21st century through creation of income for hosts monetizing their homes, as well local business & service providers (Foroohar, 2015). The new economy will therefore be more about individuals. Persons with good education, who are smart and have entrepreneurial minds, will thrive well in the new economy. The government should thus respond to the threat of displacement by reforming education, increasing training for the workforce as well as the social services net to accommodate the slack. Global supply chains will be affected by increased integration hanks to technology. This means that survival in the new economy and the evolving supply chains & logistics will require high calibre skills. I content that technology will increase output and therefore prosperity and thus going forward this knowledge will really influence my approach to

Google ratio analysis Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Google ratio analysis - Coursework Example The company will experience more growth as there are indications that advertisers are allocating more budgets for internet advertising (S&P Capital IQ 1). The company will realize further growth as a result of making strategic moves to discontinue any projects that do not generate returns. Another reason to invest in Google is the expected growth that is expected to be spurred by it innovations. Google has initiated projects in healthcare such as the smart contact lenses that could help monitor blood sugar in diabetic patients. Goggle is also growing its market share by applying the growth by acquisition strategy as evident in its recent acquisition of Reedwood Robotics to help grow its portfolio in healthcare. With an operating cash flow of $18 billion in the year 2014, Google is one of the most stable companies in the world today. A combination of targeted as growth as well as stabilization of Google’s business growth in the internet business makes the stock worthy for investment (S&P Capital IQ

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Death of A Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Death of A Marriage - Essay Example In my lifÐ µ, and spÐ µcifically in my marriagÐ µ, I havÐ µ undÐ µrgonÐ µ Ð µxpÐ µriÐ µncÐ µs which support thÐ µ points of both of thÐ µsÐ µ authors. I havÐ µ liÐ µd to protÐ µct my partnÐ µr’s fÐ µÃ µlings, and wÐ µ havÐ µ liÐ µd to oursÐ µlvÐ µs togÐ µthÐ µr as a tÐ µam, whilÐ µ thinking that wÐ µ wÐ µrÐ µ bÐ µing moral. As Еricsson notÐ µs, wÐ µ all liÐ µ. It is nÐ µarly impossiblÐ µ to gÐ µt through lifÐ µ without strÐ µtching thÐ µ truth; it is oftÐ µn in our sÐ µlf intÐ µrÐ µst to do so, and wÐ µ Ð µxcusÐ µ thÐ µ bÐ µhavior if it gÐ µts us ahÐ µad. â€Å"WÐ µ liÐ µ. WÐ µ all do. WÐ µ Ð µxaggÐ µratÐ µ, wÐ µ minimizÐ µ, wÐ µ avoid confrontation, wÐ µ sparÐ µ pÐ µoplÐ µ's fÐ µÃ µlings, wÐ µ convÐ µniÐ µntly forgÐ µt, wÐ µ kÐ µÃ µp sÐ µcrÐ µts, wÐ µ justify lying to thÐ µ big-guy institutions. LikÐ µ most pÐ µoplÐ µ, I indulgÐ µ in small falsÐ µhoods† (Еricsson, 2011). In my m arriagÐ µ, my spousÐ µ and I both rÐ µalizÐ µ this, and wÐ µ also rÐ µalizÐ µ it about Ð µach othÐ µr. WhÐ µn wÐ µ fight, wÐ µ may call Ð µach othÐ µr liars, but on a basic lÐ µvÐ µl, wÐ µ both know that lying is somÐ µthing wÐ µ also do togÐ µthÐ µr. Еricsson dÐ µscribÐ µs this act of lying togÐ µthÐ µr in social groups, in hÐ µr Ð µssay as groupthink.

Is it free market or regulated financial systems that underpin Essay - 2

Is it free market or regulated financial systems that underpin long-term economic success and effective corporate governance - Essay Example A divide exists in the global business within the context of financial systems as each economic giant strives to catapult its ideology over the others. Of note, however, is the argument that economic and fiscal strategies are country specific in terms of level of growth, such that bank-based financial systems best suit the transitioning economies such as China. The report presents an analysis of how economic systems affect corporate governance with insights from various countries. A great diversity exists in both the current status of corporate economic systems and the measures to enhance them in most countries. Presumably, the stated diversity is a reflection of the variegated circumstances of every country (Comelli, 2014). The circumstances include the development state of a nation, the relation between government and business, the financial structure inclusive of funds procurement structures, the shareholding structure and the market for talent among others. Of interest are the commonalities that surface in the direction of system improvements. So as to say, the direction of enhancement in governance via mutual supervision and the improvements in mechanisms to this end is a typical feature in most countries with most countries endeavouring to enhance corporate systems. All this aim at maximising long-term corporate value based on the perspective of an array of stakeholders (Leijonhufvud, 2012). Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the approaches to enhanc ing corporate governance differs in relation to a countrys economic ideology as earlier mentioned. For instance, a capitalistic economy would approach governance from a different viewpoint compared to a command-based economy. From theory, it is widely known that command economies dictate that the government makes the decision on the goods and service to be produced, coupled with their

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Death of A Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Death of A Marriage - Essay Example In my lifÐ µ, and spÐ µcifically in my marriagÐ µ, I havÐ µ undÐ µrgonÐ µ Ð µxpÐ µriÐ µncÐ µs which support thÐ µ points of both of thÐ µsÐ µ authors. I havÐ µ liÐ µd to protÐ µct my partnÐ µr’s fÐ µÃ µlings, and wÐ µ havÐ µ liÐ µd to oursÐ µlvÐ µs togÐ µthÐ µr as a tÐ µam, whilÐ µ thinking that wÐ µ wÐ µrÐ µ bÐ µing moral. As Еricsson notÐ µs, wÐ µ all liÐ µ. It is nÐ µarly impossiblÐ µ to gÐ µt through lifÐ µ without strÐ µtching thÐ µ truth; it is oftÐ µn in our sÐ µlf intÐ µrÐ µst to do so, and wÐ µ Ð µxcusÐ µ thÐ µ bÐ µhavior if it gÐ µts us ahÐ µad. â€Å"WÐ µ liÐ µ. WÐ µ all do. WÐ µ Ð µxaggÐ µratÐ µ, wÐ µ minimizÐ µ, wÐ µ avoid confrontation, wÐ µ sparÐ µ pÐ µoplÐ µ's fÐ µÃ µlings, wÐ µ convÐ µniÐ µntly forgÐ µt, wÐ µ kÐ µÃ µp sÐ µcrÐ µts, wÐ µ justify lying to thÐ µ big-guy institutions. LikÐ µ most pÐ µoplÐ µ, I indulgÐ µ in small falsÐ µhoods† (Еricsson, 2011). In my m arriagÐ µ, my spousÐ µ and I both rÐ µalizÐ µ this, and wÐ µ also rÐ µalizÐ µ it about Ð µach othÐ µr. WhÐ µn wÐ µ fight, wÐ µ may call Ð µach othÐ µr liars, but on a basic lÐ µvÐ µl, wÐ µ both know that lying is somÐ µthing wÐ µ also do togÐ µthÐ µr. Еricsson dÐ µscribÐ µs this act of lying togÐ µthÐ µr in social groups, in hÐ µr Ð µssay as groupthink.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Limited War Strategy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Limited War Strategy - Research Paper Example One of the important aspects of this war is the manner in which its history has been written. This paper shall look at two histories of the war-one written by Dwight Jon Zimmerman and the other by George Moss. The former is a graphic history and the latter is a conventional history written in the format of a textbook. These entail many differences in the kind of issues that they deal with and the emphases that they place on certain issues. George Moss’s account deals with issues of the policies that were adopted during the period from 1965 to 1967. The policies are what the emphasis is laid on and the methods used to illustrate these events are exactly that - illustrations. They are not looked at as events in themselves but as illustrations of larger political policies that were important at a certain point in history (Moss). However, in Zimmerman’s account, there is a fundamental difference. The emphasis is laid on the individual battles that were fought and the battal ions that were part of these particular battles (Zimmerman). This emphasis makes the history much more approachable and makes the history one that has characters who are very human rather than figures of political authority who do not seem to have a personality to speak of. This is a view of history that incorporates the views of the masses as well as opposed to one which is based exclusively on a textbook format. The episode that Zimmerman talks of where General Westmoreland and his men establish good relations with the villagers in Vietnam so as to take their interests into account while fighting battles seems to be included having taking into account the format of the book (Zimmerman). This episode can be depicted much better in a graphic format, and the portrayal of individual relations between the soldiers and the villagers that the author wishes to demonstrate works better through the graphic format that he adopts. In the case of George Moss, there is a description of the tuss le between Douglas MacArthur and Harry S. Truman (Moss). This exemplifies the spirit of the textbook where there is an understanding of history as it happened involving the larger players like the politicians. The understanding of history is from above rather than from below. This is not to say that the graphic format is the best. There is a great deal of the larger picture that is lost when the graphic method is employed. Political machinations and their effects on the people are usually lost in Zimmerman’s account. These can be better understood through Moss’s account through a description of the limited war theories that he explains in words. This loss is then sought to be made up through pictures but the political complexity of the war is lost to a certain extent. Zimmerman highlights certain sections of the text so as to capture the attention of the reader. Certain abbreviations like Combined Action Platoon (CAP) are printed in bold face (Zimmerman). This makes it clear that the aim of the narrative is not merely to entertain but also to educate. Such aspects of the narrative make it clear that graphic history and conventional textbook histories are meant to complement each other and not exist in isolation from each other. The illustrations serve the purpose of humanizing the entire narrative and also make it possible for younger readers to understand and know the details of the Vietnam War. There

Monday, October 14, 2019

Abigails Party Essay Example for Free

Abigails Party Essay This is shown when Beverly suggests â€Å"[getting] pissed† after having an argument with Laurence. The use of the word â€Å"pissed† as a colloquialism for drunk could be seen as being symbolic of Beverly’s true social class seeping through the performance she continuously puts on throughout the night. This is humorous for the audience as Beverly spends a great deal of time and effort in the first part of Act 1 making sure that she is able to impress guests like Angela and Tony and try to feel in the same social class as Susan. She does this by adding a copy of â€Å"[placing] a copy of Cosmopolitan magazine in the magazine rack† and â€Å"[putting] on a record (Donna Summer: Love to Love you† among other things yet after one small spat shall we say with her husband represses back to having the personality the audience believes she’s trying to hide. Some might also say that Leigh’s use of fools near the end of Act 1 is to create after a very tense moment. An example of this would be after Laurence makes quite a long speech which gives us an idea of his views about people as he says that people often â€Å"just drift through life, without any real aims†. He also describes these people as being â€Å"weak†. Both these points are extremely serious and also quite angry. This means that when Angela tells a story about the time â€Å"[she] went to a party† right after these serious points, the audience feels sorry for Laurence as no one seems to be listening to him, but they also can’t help but laugh at Angela’s complete vacancy of points Laurence was making. This makes Angela a clear example of a natural fool as she has no real knowledge about when she is making an irrelevant point. It could also be said that the comic convention of foolishness is used when Angela and Beverly doesn’t know when she is saying something inappropriate or hurtful. An example of this would be when they try to reassure Susan about her daughter Abigail’s party but end up doing the exact opposite by Beverly saying that â€Å"teenagers get over-excited† to which Angela add that â€Å"it all starts with one kiss†. This is humorous as while trying to do one thing, Beverly and Angela end up doing the exact opposite without realising it which is a classic example of a natural fool. This part of the play could also be seen as cringe comedy because of the sympathy the audience feels for innocent Susan who has been kicked out of her house by her daughter only to e made to feel even more uncomfortable in Beverly’s house with her continuous points about teenagers and their rumoured carelessness which, including the gin and tonics Beverly gives Susan, causes her to be physically sick at the very end of the act. Hypocrisy could be considered to be another comic convention that is shown at the end of Act 1. This is particularly something that Beverly shows more than anyone else as when she is describing teenagers as having â€Å"a drink in one hand, a cigarette in the other [and] they’re having a bit of a dance†. The hypocrisy of this is that Beverly throughout the act is continuously refilling people’s drinks, offering cigarettes to everyone and is described on page 42 as â€Å"[proceeding] to have a dance solo in front of the others†. This is humorous as it makes it plainly obvious that Beverly is a natural fool because she is, in many ways just as childish as the teenagers that were in Susan’s house. This is another case of the audience feeling superior to the characters on stage as they when seeing the play would mostly be middle class and therefore they would also probably not be as childish as Beverly or Angela. Leigh’s uses of comic conventions are, in my opinion, used to establish a social ladder change between when the characters are first introduced and when the act finishes which is shown with Susan coming to the house with a bottle of red wine and ending up being sick in the toilet. Leigh’s clear use of comic conventions such as hypocrisy is also to breakdown the difference between sophistication and childishness. Mostly though, Leigh uses comic conventions to get the audience to question where they stand on the social ladder and if it really matters in this world.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Comanche Helicopter Program Essay -- The Armed Forces

In 1983 the United States began a program to upgrade the aging fleet of U.S. Army helicopters. What was initially known as the Light Helicopter Experimental (LHX), in April 1991 the LHX program would become the Reconnaissance Attack Helicopter (RAH-66). The program was initially designed to replace all light helicopters in the Army fleet, however, this was reduced to a more attainable goal of replacing the AH-1, OH-58, and OH-6 helicopters. This program greatly enhanced the capabilities of the commander on the battlefield of the future.1 The helicopter of the future would far outclass any helicopter on the planet; boasting capabilities like fly by wire controls, stealth, greater maneuverability, greater speed, and far reaching technological capabilities making it the â€Å"quarterback of the digital battlefield†-. What the Comanche program quickly turned into was an over budget, behind schedule, government project that was being built to combat an enemy that no longer existed. Technological advances found through the 6.9 billion dollars spent on the Comanche have yielded some improvements to the current fleet of Army helicopters (block III Apache), however, it could be argued that the Comanche project simply drained the military and held back the advancement of the current fleet. 2 Twenty years after the birth of the LHX, the United States had invested 6.9 Billion dollars and had two RAH-66 helicopters to show for it. In 2003, with the war on terrorism kicking off, President George W. Bush cancelled the Co manche program to better equip the U.S. Military for the fight that was ongoing. History U.S. strategy in 1983 toward the Cold War with the U.S.S.R. was to simply out spend the Soviet Union in the military sector. The...†, Defense Media Network, December 16, 2010, 3. NATO’s Nations and Partners for Peace, Comanche Terminated, Air Power, 2004 4. Pelletier, A.J. â€Å"Bell Model 406/OH-58D Kiowa Warrior†, Avia Star,, 1992 5. U.S. Department of Defense News Transcript. Briefing on the Restructure and Revitalization of Army Aviation, February 23, 2004 6. Department of Defense Office of the Inspector General. Financial Management of the RAH 66 Comanche Helicopter Program, August 6, 1998 7. Department of Defense Office of the Inspector General, Acquisition Management of the RAH-66 Comanche, May 12, 2003 8. Wayne, Leslie. Pentagon Says it Plans to Kill Copter Program, The New York Times, February 24, 2004 9. Werthman, Robert W, Col.. The Comanche Helicopter Program: A Strategic Policy Failure, March 30, 2007

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

Abe Lincoln was Americas 16th president. He had served from 1861-1865 he had a vice president his name was Hannibal Hamlin. He had supported the Republican Party. Which means he believed each person is responsible for his/her own rights in society. Abe was 52 at the start of his presidency. Abe had little to no knowledge of anything, but he had a very strong interest in books this is where he obtained most of his knowledge. So you could say that Abe was a self-taught man. When Abe was a kid he had a variety of jobs such as: a shopkeeper, a surveyor and postmaster. For a while he even chopped wood. After that he had started his place in the government. He won a seat in the Illinois legislature when he was 25. Abe served in Illinois for several terms when he had served in Illinois he had started to study to became a lawyer. He had ended up running for U.S congress. He eventually ended up winning the seat. Abe served as a congressman for one term. A term is approximately 2 years. He tried to run for senate. Abe did not win. When he did run though his concern for slavery caught some people’s attention. In 1860 Abe ran for president. He was fairly new in the Republican Party which back then had a meaning that the northern states didn’t allow any states to succeed from the US. Or in other words leave the country and form there own. They were also against slavery. Abe was inaugurated in 1861which means he became president. The southern states did not want Abe to be president. Abe didn’t want slavery so all the southern states were getting mad because slaves could go to the north and be free. Before Abe officially became president the southern states began to succeed. The first to leave was South Carolina. Soon 6 more would leave ... ...d been bumped to General-in-chief of the whole union army. Grant led the union army against Robert E. Lee in Virginia. The both of them battled for over a year with grant winning over Lee in Virginia ion April 9th 1865 Grant offered some generouse terms for the confederate army so that they did completely destroy the south and there army. When Grant took office his popularity becamne more thatn ever before but when he tried to rin for his third term he was accused that his whole presidency was a scandal. Many of the people in his administration had stolen from the gaverment. After he didn’t win his third term he decied he should travel the world and meet all the countries leaders. Upon returning he tried to run for offcice again but was unsuccessful. So he started to write an auto biography. He later had died of throat cancer due to smoking cigars his whole life.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Christopher Columbus Hero or Tiran

Christopher Columbus is revered as the conqueror of the new world; but many people have a different view of his accomplishments. People debate on whether Columbus discoveries were self-credited or completely his findings. There are two very different views of Columbus, in one hand there is the Italian explorer who discover the Americas and the New World; in the other hand there is the Columbus, who should have been condemned for bringing slavery, diseases, and death to the indigenous inhabitants of the so-called new World. Many Americans still admire Christopher Columbus because as his story is traditionally though and passed down he discovered America. It has been argued over time that Christopher Columbus was not the hero that he is made out to be. After all, every child learns that he was the one responsible for discovering the Americas. From learning that, people immediately think he was a great man and never examine the subject any deeper. For the people who look deeper into the events that took place, they find themselves are astounded when they find how cruel he really was. As years pass and new generations seek facts in history rather than a mystique, we start finding that sometimes history gets manipulated concealing facts and only disclosing portions of the truth glorifying some characters throughout our history. As a child the information learned in schools about his life only depicted Columbus as a great explorer and colonizer who discovered the New World. Christopher Columbus (c. 31 October 1451 – 20 May 1506) was a navigator, colonizer, and explorer from the Republic of Genoa, in northwestern Italy, whose voyages across the Atlantic Ocean led to general European awareness of the American continents in the Western Hemisphere. † Christopher Columbus sailed to the west across of the Atlantic searching for a better route to Asia but became famous by finding the Americas instead. In 1476 Columbus almos t paid with his life in his first trip to the Atlantic. Columbus was part of a commercial fleet that was attacked by French pirates as they sailed close to the coast of Portugal. The ship Columbus was sailing on was destroyed and he had to find his way to the Portuguese waterside. He decided to settle and in the course of the time he spent there he finally got married. Columbus collaborated in a couple of expeditions to Africa acquiring knowledge of the Atlantic Ocean as it flowed east and west from the Canary Islands. Columbus thought that the earth was in shape of a sphere and many contemporary experts of that time disagreed with him. He set his sights into sailing west across the Atlantic believing that it would be a quicker and safer route to India and china. He devised a plan and lobbied for money and ships in order to start his experimental voyage. His plan was rejected by the Portuguese and Italian when finally still full of skepticism the Spanish funded his expedition. Columbus wasn’t the first European to find the Americas, Vikings had previously settled in North American for a brief time, in Canada around the 11th century. The politically correct view is that Columbus did not discover America, because people had lived here for thousands of years. † Christopher Columbus’s explorations and voyages however, directly impacted on how people saw the world. His discoveries led to the exposure of the Americas to European colonization. It was a great time for the import and export of animals, plants and cultures, but in the other hand it brought war and death to the indigenous people who did not wanted to be ruled. It also brought to the Americas the beginning of slavery and new deceases and death. When celebrating national holiday for an individual’s achievements, a nation shows its appreciation for that individual’s accomplishments. In the United States Columbus’s Day is a national holiday. But, as we carefully examine Columbus’ voyages and ways of establishment in the New World it should change the country’s opinions about the celebration of that holiday. As I see Columbus expeditions through history, his arrival to the Americas was accompanied by death and destruction. Columbus took the credit for discovering the new world. But, in my opinion, it is impossible to discover something that has been there already, someplace being inhabited by people already. As Christopher Columbus proclaimed himself as the founder of the New World, he did not take considered any aspects about the current civilization inhabiting the land, the customs and traditions practiced in the country for as long as they had been there. With only the thought of prosperity in his mind, he introduced slavery to compensate for the non-existence promised of large amounts of gold he gave the Spanish Crown. Christopher Columbus can be argued to be both a hero and/or a villain. When people think of Columbus most think of the hero that started the exploration of America, which went on to become the modern day we have now, but based on Columbus’ actions and pursuits throughout his expeditions and time in America I believe him to be a villain that led to the downfall of many civilizations. Columbus was a very demanding and greedy man when it came to his benefits and the profits of his expeditions. He was also very stubborn and ignorant, by continually believed that he had reached Asia, instead of the Americas until he died in 1506. From the first time he met with Native Americans in 1492 until he died, Christopher Columbus took advantage of the good nature and hospitality of the natives, and eventually lead them to extinction. Columbus first started his search for a sponsor for his first expedition westward to Asia in about 1474. Columbus was very persistent when it came to finding a sponsor for his expedition; he searched and waited for about 18 years before his plan was finally found a patron, in 1492. Columbus’ main reasons for his expeditions were in order to search for a westward trade route to Asia, spread Catholicism to the people of the west, discover any new territory for Spain and of course to boost his own fame as a navigator. Even though Columbus was very lucky to find a sponsor for his expedition, Columbus took on the persona of being very demanding, by making further demands that would increase his own personal gain through this journey, like demanding one tenth of anything valuable found in the new lands, being made admiral of the Ocean Sea, as well as being named governor of all new land discovered. Columbus was also a very egocentric person, which most of his demands show. Most of Columbus’ demands had to do with some kind of leadership role, but shows his lack of leadership skills when setting up several colonies and all of them being destroyed under his governing. Columbus left for his first voyage on August 3rd, 1492, with three ships (the Ni a, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria). October 12th, 1492 Columbus’ crew first spotted land, whether because of Columbus’ lack of knowledge or his misleading belief that Asia was not as far as it was already believed to be, Columbus was convinced that this new land was Asia, but was actually a small island in the central Bahaman Islands. Coming from Europe Columbus believed â€Å"that Christians had the right to rule lands inhabited by non-Christians so without any regard for the inhabitants (Indios/Taino) of what Columbus called San Salvador (Holy Savior), Columbus claimed it for Spain and Christianity. Columbus and his sailors were greeted very graciously and were shown great generosity by the Taino. Instead of accepting their generosity and returning it Columbus only saw it as a sign of weakness, which would help him with his own personal gain. He thought that because of their generosity they would be easy to both convert to Catholicism and be conquered. Columbus continued his search for gold by traveling from island to island, claiming them for Spain, again without any consideration for their natives. The first Spain settlement set up by Columbus was on Hispaniola named La Navidad (the nativity). Here the Spanish were showered with gold by the natives of Hispaniola, which convinced the Spanish to stay. In January 1493 Columbus returned to Spain, but despite their generosity Columbus took two dozen Taino (Arawaks) captives, against their will, back to Spain. The somber chronicle of the events that ended in the genocide of the peaceful Arawaks of the Caribbean islands is amply documented in Columbus’ own letters and journals and in the pages of his most ardent admirer, Father Bartolome de Las Casas, the great contemporary historian of the West Indies who believed Columbus had been divinely inspired to make the Discove ry. † Upon his return Columbus found the settlement destroyed, so Columbus went on to build another settlement, even after the obvious failure of the first settlement. Once again Columbus left the settlement in order to search for more gold around the Caribbean. While away the colonist continued to pressure the Taino to provide food and gold, which eventually led to a revolt from the Tanio, because of his lack of leadership Columbus was replaced as viceroy. Before this Columbus allowed the colonist to control Indian labor, on his own accord against the wishes of Queen Isabelle, which would eventually lead to the encomienda system that would play a major role when it came to the destruction of the Native American tribes. During his four expeditions Columbus came in contact with several Native American tribes his first being the Taino. Columbus was very surprised by the great generosity of these people, because Europe believed so much in their selfish lifestyle and feudalistic ways that this sort of behavior was new to them. The Spanish took this as a sign of weakness and concluded that the Native Americans were very naive and would be easy to conquer and be used as labor. The Spanish took advantage of the Native Americans generosity, using them to mine gold, provide food and build houses. The Spanish showed very little respect to the Natives American’s lifestyle and culture, by forcing them to convert to the Roman Catholic faith. He assisted in the development of the encomienda system played a huge factor in the drop of population in the Native American tribes. Many of the Native Americans captured and forced to work for the Spanish died of overwork, malnutrition and deceases brought over from Europe and the African slave trade. This unfortunately did not stop the European’s slavery systems, but instead the Native Americans were replaced with African slaves. Christopher Columbus left Spain in search of a trade route that would eventually boost his own fame and wealth, but instead discovered the New World and the altruistic inhabitants that lived there. Columbus only thinking about his and Spain’s own personal gain made decisions and actions that would assist this cause, but in turn would lead to the destruction of many Native American civilizations. Greed and the hunger for power and domination destroyed in my opinion a large amount of civilizations that some of us only know because of history. As I discover my own New World through history books I see that history is in the eye of the beholder, I see that throughout time a series of events have been doctored in order to give generations a perception of greatness. But, as you dig a little deeper you will find numerous amounts of scripts and publications and at the end of the day is up to you to make your own decision.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

College Computerized Billing System Essay

With the power of technology nowadays, people get interested with computers. They tried to indulge themselves on it to have a productive result in a more efficient and time saving process. It is highly valued in institutions like business enterprises, schools, hospitals, government and non government services. However, some of them are still using manual system. In this regard, we acknowledge the value of computerized system. As of today’s generation, there are already many college schools existing. One of which is IJMS College Departmentthat serves tutorialtype. It is located at Malvar, Santiago City and is owned by Dr. Imelda B. Brilliantes. IJMS started the operation of their college department onJune 2004. Since the said industry is new, they still don’t have computerized system for reservation and billing which is very useful for business purposes. For thesis project, the researchers would like to propose a reservation and billing system to D’ Budgetel to help the management and have a synchronize flow in their transactions system. 1. 2 Statement of the Problem Hotel customers choose important considerations in choosing a place to stay like location, price/value and service. These are very important because these are the primary basis of a customer to be attracted in that business. Since the researchers found out that manual procedure are still used in processing their billing and reservation transactions, it greatly affects their customer’s need. This study aims to look for the following problems: 1. The School billing statement doesn’t provide specific or detailed information regarding on student’s payment or charges.

Pregnancy and Decisions Women

Most people think differently, but there are plenty of reasons as to why it should be legal. Women should be able to get an abortion because they have their own choice of keeping their baby or not. What if a woman were to get raped? If abortion is made illegal, women would go back to the clothes hanger method and many women would die. If I were to have a baby at my age right now, would choose to get an abortion.In my culture, parents are all about studying and becoming successful. If I got pregnant and had a baby, my whole future would be ruined. Having a baby at a young age could ruin so many things such as school and work. I wouldn't be able to get a job/career due to the fact that I'm going to have to carry a newborn around. Would not be able to attend school because once again, have to take care of a newborn baby. In my culture, we are all about having our studies as our first priority. My parents wouldn't even let me have a boyfriend during my early years of high school.Imagine how hey would feel if I would have gotten pregnant. In my culture, we believe that if you have enough reason to get an abortion, then you should get one. My mother got an abortion before she had me. This was around the time when my grandpa got diagnosed with cancer, so it was a rough time for her. She also recently gave birth to my older sister, and she just wasn't ready to have another baby at that time. Two of my cousins also got abortions when they were in their teenager years. Unfortunately, they were being careless and ended up getting pregnant.Both of them actually didn't tell their moms that they got pregnant, and got an abortion on their own. They already knew what would happen if their mom's found out, so they did it without her knowing to keep her sane. Women have enough reason to get an abortion, and it shouldn't be legalized. Would ask my mom if she would give her baby up for adoption, and she told me she wouldn't want anyone else to have her baby. She would have to go t hru the heartache of knowing that someone else loves and takes care of her own baby.Of course having an abortion is difficult too. My mom tells me she still thinks about how different her life would be if she kept that baby. But she says that it was one of the best routes she could take. I was reading a lot Of articles, essays, and other things that supported my position on keeping abortion legal. Most of them all said the same thing. Women should have their own choice whether or not they should be allowed to get an abortion or not. For one, they could have been raped. Why would any woman want to keep a baby when rape impregnated them?Giving up the baby for adoption wouldn't even be an option in their head for them. She would be carrying the rapists baby for almost a full 9 months, and the thought of the incident would never go away. Feel like for a woman to move in that situation is if she got an abortion and just started over. A lot of these sources also included how women or girl s get abortions due to incest. I don't think anyone in their family got pregnant by someone else in the family. That's just wrong. It's not illegal to have a baby with a family member, but it's very looked down upon.Babies from incest situations are also more likely to be born with Down syndrome. Abortion would probably be very considerable in these situations. Abortion should be kept legal. One in three women gets an abortion by the time they are age 45. If the percentage of woman getting an abortion is so high, why should it become illegal? There are about 1. 1 million U. S. Abortions each year. Nearly 1 in 4 pregnancies end in abortion as well. If abortion becomes illegal, it's not like women are going to keep their babies. Instead, they II find another way to get an abortion.They'll go back to the clothes hanger way, which was used, back in the old days. Women would die all the time using that way because it is not safe. The procedures done today for abortion are safe. After all the research read, still think abortion should be kept legal. There are plenty of reasons as to why its okay to get one. My culture has made me believe that abortion shouldn't be something to avoid. I don't believe that abortion is bad. I believe it's very helpful. Many women in this world get abortions. It should stay legal so everyone can get proper procedures and care.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Wanting to become an auditor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wanting to become an auditor - Essay Example The spirit of the law is demonstrated by examining the legitimate goals of a company, which provide it with ethical direction and by examining the duties of the accounting professionals who are accountable to the company as well as the general public. These professional responsibilities are determined by their legitimate economic functions. The major responsibilities of the external auditor are first, to evaluate financial statements and ensure that such statements reflect the financial facts of a company and second, to closely monitor the financial markets and query irregular practices that would obfuscate the facts. To achieve these objectives the auditor has to resort to professional skepticism.1 The competence of an accountant is dependant to a very large extent on the skill possessed in handling numbers. Since, this skill can be used to misrepresent and distort the true position, it has to be concluded that in the absence of morality a good accountant is not a moral or ethical accountant. The auditor’s duty is to ensure that accounting or the language of business is properly utilized so that the financial data is interpreted correctly. Moreover, the function of the independent auditor is that of a watchdog and the auditor has to ensure that the companys assessments are reasonable and not at variance with the reality. Further, these assessments are to be made on the basis of a consistent policy, which does not change over the years. It is the duty of the external auditor to certify that the financial statement of a company fairly represents its financial position as such certifications are essential requirements for an efficient financial market. The spirit behind these functions has been seriously violated in recent years. Blind insistence on compliance with the principles, practices and conventions has relegated to the background the all important requirement that financial statements should provide clear and unambiguous details of the

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Legal Training Program (for Human Resource Management Class) Essay

Legal Training Program (for Human Resource Management Class) - Essay Example The workforce is becoming increasingly diverse. This contributes to the escalating rate of discrimination. One of the types of discrimination that happens in the workplace is sexual harassment. This is the most unwelcome and embarrassing behavior. Not only it can negatively influence the work performance of an employee, but it can lead to costly lawsuits for the organization. To improve productivity and to address the issue of sexual harassment, a good training program must be implemented. According to Konrad (2007), many of the US organizations are mandating the application of sexual harassment training program especially to their managers (p. 268). The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the federal government had been successful in addressing the concern on sexual harassment by ensuring that organizations under its supervision have conducted a training program for their employees (Swift, 1995, p. 53). A higher percentage of employees have expressed their satisfaction with the program. The assertiveness of the program has helped in reporting harassing behaviors which had been made easier for the victims. The same scenario had transpired in the European community particularly in the nongovernmental and voluntary organizations (Zippel, 2008, p. 66). The EU-wide campaign for sexual harassment training program had proven to be effective because more and more countries are adapting the program such as Germany, France, America and many more. There is discrimination in the workplace if there is hostility toward an individual based on sex, age, religion, race and even disability (Hoffman, 1999). Discrimination likely occurs in the workplace almost every day as employees interact. According to the study â€Å"Sexual Harassment Awareness Training at Workplace: Can it Effect Administrators’ Perception?,† the author found that â€Å"training has significant effects on the perception of sexual harassment ...† (Sabitha,

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Case Analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Analysis - Case Study Example From the first analysis and using the x-factor tool given to evaluate different possibilities it is observed that when the sales is at 422,733 million, the cost of goods sold is directly affected at 38% million , the cost of goods sold is directly affected at 38% million , the cost of goods sold is directly affected at 38% million. On the other hand, the cost of goods sold is directly affected at 38% to be 160,639 million. For a business to operate there are operating expenses that always has to be incurred. These include rent, internet, transport, flights, advertising, airtime among other things. These factors are consolidated into operating expenses which in this scenario is directly affected by sales at 50% meaning that half of the operating expenses are geared towards sales. As the sensitivity analysis tool suggest, when cost of goods sold is 35% of sales, the company runs into a profit of 28,787million but when the cost of goods sold is at 45% of sales the company runs into a debt of 2102 million. This happens since the company is having a lot of spending to increase sales. The breaking point ratio is at 44% of sales since no debt is made and the company has 987 excess cash for the company. Therefore the company should at least invest 200 million to offset this change. One of the assumptions made in this analysis is that interest expense is directly affected by the debt the company has. The second assumption is that the debt majorly consists of loan i.e. both long term and short term loans. Another assumption is that sales do not vary at this point and that incase it does, the effect is insignificant. In addition the current assets are also deemed a factor that affects debt and excess income in the company. There is also an assumption that total assets less total liability will give a balancing figure which will either result to a debt or an income. Moreover, we

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Death of a Salesman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Death of a Salesman - Essay Example Linda, the wife, who had a firm grip over the situation, even though she did not want to hurt the family in any way, is shown in the end as unsuitable to face reality while emulating dead Willy in talking to him, in the same way, how Willy spoke to dead brother Ben. This makes the play end as an unfinished tragedy. Willy has passed on his living in illusion to his favorite son Bliff, who thinks of big results, without making any effort towards it ("To suffer fifty weeks a year for the sake of a two-week vacation"). He knew of father's infidelity, but would not inform the mother, would not work for his graduation and would not work anywhere and ends up as a petty criminal. Even in the end, instead of making an honest start, he goes and steals a pen from Bill Cliver, ruining a possible career, and the saving grace comes only then, because he sees the truth at last ("I looked up and I saw they sky ... and I realized what a ridiculous lie my whole life has been") and realises that he had been fooling himself. Hap, on the other hand, craves for father's attention, while the father showers attention on Bliff, who could not care less. Hap is unhappy to hurt family members by telling the truth and tries to gloss it over ("My own apartment, a car, and plenty of women, and still, goddamit, I'm lonely"). Linda, who was realistic enough to realise that Willy was marching towards suicide, hesitates to confront the reality and has a total breakdown after his death. Finally, Bliff comes out as a real person who was ready to discard illusions ("We never told the truth in the house for ten minutes"). The play, divided into three sections is a saga of illusion starting from Willy Loman, a failing salesman, working on commission, could not complete sales trip, tired of life, returned home after 15 years of drifting. He sees a glorifying future for sons, Biff and Hap, though boys think he is becoming senile. Willy embarrasses the boys frequently by falling into another era, on a flashback, conversing with his hero, dead brother, Ben. He lives in world of illusion and false sense of reality, to cover his failures and creates fantasies of success. Even though Ben had stumbled into riches, Willy would like to glorify it as result of Ben's hard work and invents much swagger for Ben ("When I was seventeen, I walked into the jungle. And by twenty-one, I walked out. And by God, i was rich!"). A young woman with whom Willy had an affair intrudes into his illusions. He misguides his sons about life and success saying that looks and being liked are enough in life. "Willy did himself and his family a disservice by putting too much emphasis on appearance and popularity, and not enough on the value of hard work. He wound up living in a daydream whenever things went wrong, and his sons were unethical" Even though he was not particularly liked by anyone, he invents another lie that he was universally liked and when he decides to kill himself, again he had the illusion that the entire community will attend his funeral and once again, he was proved wrong. He was unrealistic enough to refuse Charlie's job and even Bliff tries to wake him up out of the reverie ("Pop, I'm a dime a dozen and so are you"). Hap makes up things exactly like Willy about his sales store and marriage to make parents happy. He wants Bliff to hide the fact that he could not even meet Bill Cliver from Willy. Psychologically

Friday, October 4, 2019

Risk Management In Mental Health Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Risk Management In Mental Health Care - Essay Example Biological etiology has been proven for some major psychoses, insurance coverage is more readily available, and treatment fits the "medical model". But the distinction is not clear-cut; much psychological suffering and disability is not due to major mental illness but to psychological or physical stress and trauma. Furthermore, health, not only disease, is the proper concern of physicians"(Lundberg 3: 1998). The changing behaviour of the society is imposing on professionals that their services are not up to the mark, further they might not have found the root causes of why a certain behaviour is proving to be dangerous for the public. The healthcare business itself is becoming more risky and the increasing competition among the professionals and the increasing population with change in attitude is also creating problems for the professionals to understand the root causes. The mental health users have been in danger from the early 1990s. As the policies of assessing mental risk have been changed and are considered more important since they have the direct concern with the life of other humans. Therefore the professionals are more precise about the mental heath risks. ... es really hard for the professionals at times to identify what might have caused a person to take such actions, for instance a person is knowingly a dangerous one to others and have been into some serious fights with other people, but it might be as a result of some defending as he might have been attacked first by others. Other prevailing issues might be related to suicidal attempts as the person might have received some abuse in the childhood. The art of professional is to hide the details from the individual or service users about the fact that they are being treated as patients. However, it becomes so easy for the professionals to understand the situation and talk to the service users when they know the other person very well and know about the good and bad qualities of those individuals, close relationships can be very helpful in assisting the professionals. It is better not to let the individuals feel the fact that they are in a study about the risk to other people as the behaviour suddenly changes in that sense. While if we would let the users know about the situation then it can also create some trust between both the people and then it is a different situation, it is although hard to predict about what could make the user more familiar and honest while answering. As a legal regulation, it is the right of the service user to have accurate information about his/her behaviour. Risk should be identified accurately as it s over-estimation can make the service user more threatening to other people while under estimation can show the professional's dishonesty. People function in an environment that is complex, uncertain, and hazardous. Cognitive, emotional, and behavioral responses determine the success of interactions with the surroundings. When faced with

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Analyze an organizations media communication activities Essay Example for Free

Analyze an organizations media communication activities Essay The objective of this project is to analyze an organizations media communication activities. The work must use concepts, models, and theories to support and critical the companys website. It should be critically assess + evaluate and use strategy to analyze. The author should review it as a marketing professional specialist and knows how, when, and where the organization use digital media to communicate with its audience, customer, stakeholder, and public. Executive Summary: PO Cruises uses a maturity website to distribute and communicate (Fill, 2002). It is a fabulous website that uses a lot of tools from personal communications (PCs) to support their offline marketing (Hartley, 1999). Once customers surf its website, they could get information they need easily. The website becomes a distributed channel for the business. It is in the highest level of scenario 4 (Doren, 2000). Information on website is variety and useful that helps offline media and lures more customers to join the PO Cruises with rational exchange (Fill, 2002). PO Cruises Background PO Cruises is one of the cruises belonging to Carnival Corporation PLC. There are 13 distinct brands of cruises all over the world are operating by Carnival Corporation PLC; PO is one of them. PO is not as same as its name belongs to the PO group (Peninsula and Oriental steam Navigation Company); for it was demerged into Carnival public limited company on 23 October 2000, and has changed its name to Carnival Public limited company on 17 April 2003. PO Cruises now is the largest premium cruise brand in the United Kingdom. See the list as below. Carnival Corporation Princess Cruises Carnival plc PO Cruises were belong to Ocean Village PO Princess. Swan Hellenic Cruises plc AIDA PO Cruises Australia Carnival Cruise Lines Holland America Line Windstar Cruises Seabourn Cruise Line Costa Cruises Cunard Line AROSA Main Report: Marketing mix Product PO Cruises currently owns four types of ships Aurora, Oriana, Oceana and Adonia. Each of them gives different atmosphere and personality to customers. They are service, facility and quality oriented. Mostly, customers who are attracted to join PO Cruises are through travel agencies to get tickets no matter a set of schedule or connections with flights or another cruise. If customers who are interested in PO Cruises, PO Cruises also use different brochures to introduce its products to them. PO Cruises builds a marvelous introduction of its products on the website. There is a column of their ships in directories of its website introducing each of ships details by clicking any icon of them (Chaffey, 2000). There are also other links connecting to these four ships that makes customers easily check to PO Cruises ships (main products) whenever they want. The website builds a good cognitive environment to customers who are like ship, boat, cruise, and adventure. Most fantastically, customers could find what each deck looks like by 360i panoramic tour. After customers learn about these ships, they enable to feel more about these ships by fun stuff sector, which involved games, videos, and pictures (screensaver and wallpapers) to addict customers affective (Fill, 2002). Promotion PO Cruises is not a company which uses all of the marketing communication tools to communicate with its target audience, but it uses its promotion tools well to achieve its customer needs and to explore its market opportunities (Chaffey, 2000). 5 main elements of the promotional or communications mix of PO Cruises are analyzed as below (Fill, 2002): 1. Advertising (Off-line) PO Cruises has TV advertising displaying during summer time or the beginning of the year. Customers who havent seen the advertisement on TV could also enjoy the advertisement on PO Cruises website; to the Fun Stuff-Videos to view the version of its Sh-boom advertisement. Its an advertisement with affective (Fill, 2002). Besides TV advertising, PO Cruises posts its advertising on newspaper as well. (On-line). There are many agencies selling PO Cruises tickets on line; they help PO Cruises build a perfect advertisement system. If someone who is interested in cruises, they will easily find out the name of PO Cruises on many websites building by travel agencies. Customers are able to easily book a cruise through any ABTA travel agent; there are about 16 agents linking to PO Cruises and helping customers to book tickets in different areas. Although many websites all connecting to the name of PO Cruises, it is difficult for people who want to buy the ticket right through PO Cruises website. 2. Sales promotion (Off-line) (On-line) PO Cruises is targeted. It divides into consumers and the sales forces of both PO Cruises and its agents (Fill, 2002). The sales promotion PO Cruises uses is by the timing when customer book for their tickets. The earlier they book for cruises, the more discount they will have. It uses the method of price reductions to motive its sales in the early stage (Fill, 2002). PO Cruises also sets up the Portunus Club for customers who re-join to the PO Cruises. There are Ruby, Sapphire, and Gold tiers for different types of customers. Customers could get points for their discounts when they had joined the cruises and also discounts to any other consumption on the ship. The method builds customer royalty; it is referred to as a points accrual programme that helps the company keep customers loyalty for preventing them from moving to PO Cruises competitor (Fill, 2002). The Portunus Club has not only increased the amount of customers, but also maintained those current customers well (Raaij, 1998). 3. personal selling (Off-line) PO Cruises tickets are sold through personal selling or other travel agencies. Customers buying tickets can either from agencies or directly make a phone call to the PO Cruises as the telemarketing. It is a good method for the company itself uses lots of personal selling on promotes their ticket, for it is a method always interactive to customer and company. And Consumers may talk to and obtain answers from real persons or from machine interaction that helps PO Cruises directly being aware of what customers wants and what they need (Raaij, 1998). (On-line) On the website, customers who are interested in any trip and willing to join the tour could book on line by leaving the messages to the reservation team. Besides, its very easy for customers to find the ticket selling on website from different agencies in different areas, and then buy the ticket based on customer needs. 4. public relations (Off-line) The means of PR of PO Cruises is announcing news on newspapers. It mostly tells people about its schedules, timetables and its new ship or company information on travel pages or events column. PO Cruises owns a press center to run for its news. (On-line) Customers could also find out their news through news websites, travel agents or the websites connect to sailings, such as, what you need to about or scoop agents (two website names). Moreover, there are numbers of news PO Cruises showed to the public and listed on its own website. It is press centre in the company section. For people who are interested in to PO Cruises and want to know more about its reputation, besides company introduction, they could attain more information on this section. 5. direct marketing (Off-line) (On-line) PO Cruises uses direct marketing through ABTA agents and many other travel agencies where they sell cruises tickets. It connects to personal selling to use different types of tools to achieve the needs of customers. It uses e-mail (member confirm) and through post-mail (brochure sending) to directly send the information to customers. Â  Place PO Cruises, the Britains leading cruise operator, customer aboard its shipping at Southampton, UK or fly on a scheduled or PO Cruises charter flight to any of its 25 destinations all over the world. All ships cruise Europe in the summer, and in winter Aurora and Adonia embark on round the world cruises while Oceana and Oriana tour the Caribbean. Places are stabile in different places by annual schedules; depended on where customers plan to go abroad. The headquarters is in Southampton, but usually people usually book tickets at agencies instead of heading for PO Cruises office. If people who would like to book tickets online, they could go to www. pocruises. com or through links on any ABTA agents to buy tickets. Agents are viewed as the PO Cruises retailers. This method helps PO Cruises reach its sale targets by selling tickets to many other segments in different areas and places. The channel of its distribution is producer retailers consumers (Blythe, 1998). Price PO Cruises sets its price at the moment when customers buy tickets. The company uses different brochures to attract customer to join its cruises business. Customers could save as much as money if they book earlier according to the timetable set up by PO Cruises. Customers could save up to 5%~45% discounts for early booking, depending on availability, and its reward for those who book early. PO Cruises named it as pricebreakers. Besides, price differs from different cabin type and grade that customers choose. It is very easy for customers to find the price on the website or by the brochure which customers could also easily get by request online. * DRIP PO Cruises (model by Fill, 2002). PO Cruises communications have need to: Differentiates itself by it is one of the oldest cruises company which form of British to attract customers who enjoy in English style. Remind and reassure its customers by telling them that the leisure cruising business was started by PO in 1844. The step helps the company acquire trust from customers Oldest = standard = traditional (British) ? Inform the consumers by educating them that PO Cruises is the company with offering high quality but middle-low price to customers Persuade to the consumers that althouthg PO Cruises is the oldest company, it has most modern fleet of ships in the UK. Scenarios In order to know how a company created a website on line to present its own products through the internet, the company needs to define the level of commitment it wants to reach (Doren, 2000). There are 4 possible scenarios for promoting on the internet. PO Cruises is belonging to the highest level 4, because it offers on-line ordering of products and services. The product PO Cruises supplies to customer is not the tangible things that customers could touch but services and facilities on cruises. So the company tries to present its product through the website. PO Cruises uses web cam, lots of 360i panoramic tour and many of pictures on its website to interact with users. Moreover, there are images, screensavers and wallpapers of its 4 ships for customers to download. The usages of multimedia presentations also reach facilitation as a web promotion; it enables a more personal, one-on-one approach with the internet user (Doren, 2000). According to the four possible scenarios lists, PO Cruises does make a high extensive interaction with its customers through its website. The web site of PO Cruises may be high costs, but it could attract more customers order on line.